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Life is often overwhelming and abundant in troubles. As a mom, I am thankful for my simple life and simple home. We do not run about and chase down every opportunity that might present itself. We don’t sign our kids up for every activity available. We don’t have a lot of money and things, but attempt to make wise use of what God has blessed us with. There are a multitude of scriptures in the Bible about being content with what we have and placing God at the center of our lives.

Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith. Proverbs 15:16

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. I Timothy 6:6-8

If Paul could write about being content in Philippians while in the darkest of prisons, I surely can be content with the life God has given me. I think we often overcomplicate things by looking at others who seem to be living the high life. The Bible tells us to “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2) Prioritize living for the Lord and being pleasing to Him. Here are some ways to simplify your life.

Simple Reading

If you want to simplify your life, find out what God wants you to do. God’s priorities should be your priorities. Start reading the Bible. Christian ladies could always use a refresher on how to be a wife and mom. Start with Titus 2:3-5. Study out each word and what it means. Other scripture to check out:

  • Titus 2:3-5
  • I Timothy 5:10-14
  • I Peter 3:1-6
  • Proverbs 31
  • I Corinthians 7
  • Ephesians 5:22-24

Read your Bible when you rise in the morning. Read it with your kids and your husband. Instead of turning on a pointless TV show, grab your Bible and read. God will strengthen your heart and mind through his Word.

Good books are also a great addition to your simple home. I love to read books about natural health, Biblical womanhood, education, recipes, and history. When I find a book I think is interesting, I will look it up on Amazon because you can often read a sample of it or even get it free on the Kindle (although I prefer an actual book to read). Then I look for a used copy of the book. I can often get a used copy for $4-5 instead of $15-20! If you have access to a good library, go check out some books. Read for knowledge and growth without breaking the bank. Some of my favorites:

Simple Things

Find pleasure in quality over quantity, lasting over fleeting. Make do with what you have. Fix things that are broken when possible. Don’t buy things on a whim. Think carefully and plan purchases. Get your husband’s input. Men are not as emotional in their thinking and can guide us in the facts. I often put things in my cart online. After waiting a few days, I decide I really don’t need it after all. Start this when you are young and you will find it saves you a lot in life.

Simple Hobbies

It is good to have hobbies that not only occupy your mind but are beneficial for the family. Some of my favorite hobbies are playing the piano, singing, crocheting, sewing, and my absolute favorite is reading. I taught myself to crochet strictly from YouTube. I am left-handed so no one I know could teach me. You can literally learn anything you set your mind to. My husband and I raise a garden, grow fruit, and raise chickens for eggs…all on less than a 1/2 acre of property. We can tomatoes, salsa, green beans, make jelly and put things up for the future. Choose a simple, old-fashioned hobby that will benefit your family.

Some of our favorite YouTube channels:

Simple Kitchen

Sadly today, food seems to take up the majority of my budget. Meal planning/framing is probably the number one thing that saves me money on food. I also keep an inventory of my freezers, pantry, and cabinet items. When money is low, I start counting. I made a simple document on Google Drive with my meal frames, which are the basis of my meal planning. If I have some shredded chicken I need to use, I go to that frame. I have a whole list of meals I can make with shredded chicken using ingredients I tend to keep on hand. Read more about meal frames here.

Whatever your system is, make it simple. I buy ingredients more now. I barely buy any premade, box-type items. This saves me money in the grocery store and is a healthier way of eating. Find recipes that your family will eat. Spend time in your kitchen. Organize your cabinets and drawers so that everything works for you. I also like to make up homemade mixes for a few things to have on hand. Teach your kids to cook by helping you make dinner or dessert.

Some of my favorites:

Simple Conversation

Family discussions are the simplest, most effective tool we hold. When we talk, we teach. Conversation is a combination of talking and listening. It’s important to learn both. Sometimes our conversation is light and fun. We laugh and enjoy each other. Sometimes we talk about the Bible and different verses we are reading. I often do a devotion with the girls in the morning. Our morning tidbits are precious and I love them. Sometimes we talk about plans we have for the future, things we’ve done in the past, things we’re learning in school…the possibilities are endless. Instead of staring at your phone, initiate some conversation!

Choosing Simple

Choosing simple means rejecting the status quo. We live in a world with “influencers” who (if we let them) affect every area of our life. They post perfect spaces with just the right “things” to fill them. We don’t need things, we need Jesus and family. A simple home is not about what we lack but about what we are content with. When we simplify our lives, we make room for what truly matters. Simplicity is about freedom. Freedom to live fully, love deeply, and serve joyfully. Let’s choose simple. Let’s choose Him.

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