Polar Bear Pack

I am truly blessed to have grown up in a time untouched by the constant presence of the internet. My childhood was filled with simplicity—swinging high while singing to the top of my lungs, lying in the grass watching the clouds, and spending hours playing with my dolls in my room. I could ride my bike all day without a care in the world. To many kids today, these things might seem dull, but it was our way of life. Television had its place, but it didn’t consume our days, and never overshadowed real-life experiences.

Things have certainly changed. Now, babies are handed iPads and phones to keep them entertained, often before they can even speak. Screens have taken the role of babysitter, teacher, and even parent, shaping the way children experience the world. The graphics are brighter and more colorful, with rapid frame rates that constantly shift perspectives, creating an endless stream of stimulation.

As a result, many children (and adults) struggle to focus on slower-paced activities like reading, creative play, or even simple conversations. Their brains become accustomed to instant gratification, where entertainment is just a swipe away. The constant exposure to fast-moving images and ever-changing content trains their minds to expect quick rewards, making it harder for them to sit still, process information deeply, or engage in tasks that require patience and sustained attention. Over time, this can lead to shorter attention spans, reduced problem-solving skills, and difficulty in real-world learning environments that don’t move at the speed of a screen.

“Fully 71% of parents of a child under the age of 12 say they are at least somewhat concerned their child might ever spend too much time in front of screens, including 31% who are very concerned about this.” (source)

If you are one of those parents concerned about internet use, you may be wondering how to spend time without the internet. It may be a little rough going at first, as the internet is addicting for kids. (source) Here’s a list of ideas to inspire creativity, adventure, and connection in everyday life!

Outdoor Activities:

  1. Ride a bike around the neighborhood or a local trail.
  2. Go for a walk or hike in nature.
  3. Play at the park or on a playground.
  4. Have a picnic in the backyard or at a park.
  5. Go stargazing at night.
  6. Climb a tree or build a treehouse.
  7. Fly a kite on a windy day.
  8. Play outdoor games like tag, hide-and-seek, or kickball.
  9. Plant a garden and take care of flowers or vegetables.
  10. Go fishing or skip rocks at a pond.

Creative & Artistic Activities:

  1. Draw, paint, or color a picture.
  2. Write a short story, poem, or journal entry.
  3. Make a scrapbook with pictures and memories.
  4. Create a homemade comic book.
  5. Learn how to knit, crochet, or sew.
  6. Try origami or paper crafts.
  7. Build something with LEGOs or blocks.
  8. Make homemade cards for friends or family.
  9. Try calligraphy or hand lettering.
  10. Build a birdhouse or small woodworking project.

Indoor Fun:

  1. Read a book or listen to someone read aloud.
  2. Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
  3. Play a board game or card game.
  4. Act out a play or put on a puppet show.
  5. Build a fort with blankets and pillows.
  6. Cook or bake a new recipe.
  7. Learn a new skill, like juggling or whittling.
  8. Write letters to family or friends.
  9. Play an instrument or learn a new song.
  10. Make a list of goals and dreams for the future.

Social & Family Activities:

  1. Have a family game night.
  2. Tell stories or share memories with grandparents.
  3. Host a talent show with siblings or friends.
  4. Play charades or Pictionary.
  5. Have a backyard campout with a tent and flashlight.
  6. Learn a dance routine and perform it.
  7. Plan and prepare a meal together.
  8. Go on a scavenger hunt around the house or yard.
  9. Try shadow puppets on the wall at night.
  10. Have a conversation without distractions.
  11. Visit an elderly neighbor or friend.
  12. Make dinner or a dessert together.

Faith & Learning:

  1. Read and study the Bible.
  2. Memorize a Bible verse or passage.
  3. Do a Bible-themed craft or activity.
  4. Write in a prayer journal.
  5. Learn a new hobby or trade, like carpentry or gardening.
  6. Visit a historical site or museum.
  7. Practice handwriting or calligraphy.
  8. Write a gratitude list.
  9. Learn and recite a poem.
  10. Practice a foreign language or sign language.

This list is just the beginning—life without the internet is full of adventure, creativity, and meaningful moments! It allows us to slow down, be present, and enjoy the simple things in life. Most importantly, unplugging gives us the opportunity to build strong family connections—sharing laughter, conversations, and quality time that strengthens our relationships. So unplug, explore, and rediscover the beauty of a life well-lived beyond the screen.

What are your favorite screen-free activities? Share your ideas in the comments—I’d love to hear how your family enjoys unplugged time together!

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