As the Christmas season is upon us, it really becomes apparent how busy and distracted our lives can become. December seems to fly by us at warp speed and if we’re not careful, it will pass us by and we will miss out on some beautiful opportunities to bring focus to Christ.

It’s easy to lose sight of the reason we celebrate when we find ourselves in the midst of shopping, planning, decorating, parties, presents and so much more. Jesus is truly the reason we celebrate Christmas and we have to firmly put our focus on Him.

With a little thought and intention, we can refocus our hearts toward Jesus. It does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. We can incorporate some fun, simple activities into our daily lives that put Jesus at the center of the season.

1. Read the Christmas Story

We start at the beginning of December reading about Jesus. We begin in the Old Testament, reading verses of prophesy about Jesus’ coming. We read about John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin who would prepare the way for Jesus. We continue with the Christmas story in Luke 2, discussing the trip, location, angels, shepherds and each part of the story. This year, we have been doing the Christmas Mini Bible Study for Kids that I put together designed to be done in about 10 minutes each day. My youngest loves the little activities for each lesson.

2. Focus on Others

The best thing we can do this holiday season is shift our focus from ourselves to others. There are so many people who need hope, help, and happiness. If you know Jesus as your personal Savior, you have hope to offer others by simply presenting them the gospel message. Think of ways you can help those in need or just bring a smile to someone’s face.

  • Have your kids help you think of someone who needs a little boost! Let them help make some cookies for them, or pick up some groceries for them. One year, we made cookies and candy for our local police and fire department. There is always someone who needs a smile.
  • Call your local nursing home and find our how many residents they have. Get some friends together and make cards or a small craft for each one. It’s always good to remind them that Jesus loves them.

3. Nativity Decorations

Do you have a small nativity scene at your house? You can find them relatively cheap and they are a great way to decorate. At our house, we avoid decorations with Santa because he often gets too much glory this time of year, instead of our Savior. Set up a nativity scene on a mantle or table in your house. Add a few nativity style ornaments on the tree. If you have little ones, they would love to play with a toy nativity set. Mine always did, and it’s a great way to act out the Christmas story with them.

4. Sing Hymns

Hymns are my favorite types of songs. We sing hymns on a daily basis and listen to them when we are working around the house or in the car. Hymns have depth and theology that many more modern songs just don’t have. There are many Christmas hymns that remind us of our Savior. Consider getting a few people together to go sing at a nursing home this Christmas. Music is a great way to spread the gospel and fill your mind with God’s love.

5. Prayer Focus

Taking time to pray together as a family during the Christmas season helps keep the focus on Jesus. Set aside moments throughout the holiday to thank God for the gift of His Son and pray for those in need. Whether before meals, before opening presents, or during quiet moments, prayer provides an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and invite God’s presence into your celebrations. It’s a way to acknowledge His love and share that love through prayers for others.

6. Watch Christ-Centered Movies

Watching Christ-centered movies is a meaningful way to keep the focus on Jesus during the holiday season. Films like The Nativity Story or The Star retell the biblical account of Jesus’ birth, offering a visual reminder of the true reason for Christmas. These movies provide an opportunity to gather together as a family, reflect on God’s gift of His Son, and engage in discussions about the meaning of Christmas.

Some of our favorites are:

7. Bible Verse Countdown

A Bible verse countdown is a wonderful way to build anticipation for Christmas while focusing on the true meaning of the season. Each day leading up to Christmas, read a scripture that highlights the prophecies about Jesus’ birth or recounts the events surrounding His arrival. This daily practice not only deepens your understanding of God’s plan but also helps keep Christ at the center of your holiday preparations, creating a meaningful lead-up to Christmas Day.

Check out my Christmas Mini Bible Study for Kids!

8. Family Devotions

Family devotion time is a way to bring the family together and discuss Christ’s birth. You can do this daily, weekly, of even just a single time on Christmas Day. Reading scripture together, praying, and discussing the Bible gives kids a deeper understanding of the season and strengthens their faith.

9. Missionary Support

Send letters or care packages to missionaries to support their work during the holidays. Many missionaries are away from their families and could use a little reminder of home. An encouraging card telling them you are praying for them might just put a smile on their face. And yours too!

10. Names of Jesus Project

Displaying the names of Jesus is a powerful way to keep the focus on Christ during Christmas. Whether through banners, wall art, or table settings, these names serve as constant reminders of who Jesus is and the significance of His birth. Displaying them in your home helps create a Christ-centered atmosphere and sparks conversations about the attributes and promises of the Savior. This project could be as simple or as elaborate as you choose!


As we celebrate this Christmas season, let’s remember that it’s not about the gifts we receive or the decorations we display, but about the incredible gift God gave us through His Son, Jesus. By focusing on others, singing hymns, praying together, and incorporating Christ-centered activities, we can make this holiday a meaningful time of worship and reflection.

This year, let’s keep Christ at the center of our celebrations and spread His love and hope to those around us. Whether through small acts of kindness or simply sharing the gospel, we have the opportunity to honor Him in all that we do. May your Christmas be filled with peace, joy, and the unshakable hope that comes from knowing Christ as our Savior.

What activities do you participate in that keep you focused on Christ? Leave me a comment!

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